(2) After the start of service on April 20, 2006
A: "Players Who Acquired PlayOnline Accounts By Applying To The FINAL FANTASY XI Xbox 360 Beta Test"
1. Purchase and install the FINAL FANTASY XI
2. After installation, select “Start PlayOnline Registration!” from the “Welcome to PlayOnline” page
3. From the “Start Registration” screen, select “Carry Over” and follow the onscreen instructions
4. To complete character registration, proceed to the PlayOnline main menu, select “Game” -> “FINAL FANTASY” -> “Content ID” -> “Data Transfer Purchase”
The first character on any account will require a monthly fee of $12.95 (payable the next month), with each additional character costing $1.00 (payable that month).
B:"Players Who Participated In The Beta Test By Using A PlayOnline ID From The PS2/Windows Version"
1. Using A PlayOnline ID From The PS2/Windows Version To Login.
2. To complete data transfer, proceed to the PlayOnline main menu, select “Game” -> “FINAL FANTASY” -> “Content ID” -> “Data Transfer Purchase”
If the character transferred to an existing account that has no other characters registered, it will require a monthly fee (payable that month) of $12.95. If there are other characters registered, the transferred data will be regarded as an additional character and only require a monthly fee of $1.00 (payable that month).
Data transferred from the Xbox 360 Beta Test can also be played on PC or PlayStation®2. Select the system that best suits your gaming needs.
Remember, characters used in the Beta Test are scheduled to be available for use on Thursday, April 20, 2006. Be sure to periodically check this homepage for new information and updates regarding the Xbox 360 version of FINAL FANTASY XI.