Editor's Notes
|Editorial Staff|
Windurst Woods / Fairy

This month has been really busy. I've had both hands full with work, and more things are beckoning. I even tried writing copy with my tail; it worked for some of the more basic tasks. (Zenngg)

I've been sick, but I refuse to take medicine; the cold medicine is made from insect wings and malboro vines. Yuck! (Rirukuku)

Covering the harvest festival gave me the chance to go back to my birthplace of San d'Oria. A couple of people in skeleton costumes snuck up on me and grabbed me from behind. I was so scared that I screamed! It turns out that the two skeletons were my parents. Talk about terrifying! (Nolvillant)

Grass, trees, wind... My trip to the Outlands gave me the chance to get a look at the type of natural beauty that I often take for granted. I learned as much about travel as I did about gambling. (Jahoy-Magoohoy)

I've been swamped preparing candy and costumes for the festival. If only I'd studied sewing techniques harder... (Finleen)

While covering the news in Bastok, I ran into an old friend. Not anybody I'd been really close with, but we did take a compatibility test.
It turns out that we're a near-perfect match. It was very strange. As soon as I heard the results, all sorts of memories about her came flooding back. We went out to eat and just started reminiscing about old times. The compatibility test actually brought us closer together! (Ainworth)

Finding the people who are out gathering materials for Vana'diel was difficult.
But the opportunity to meet these people was priceless. (Myhal / Gilgamesh)
