A little Goblin's Adventure

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Will somebody tell this emperor to put on some pants?
Tonberry King: "Bow down before zee kink of Uggalepih!"
Mandraggy: "Your majesty! (Hey Fab! Bow!)"
You're the boss, sprout.

Blood Suckah: "Yo, Ton! My homey Fab's been on this trek / Don't dis my bro, give him some respect!"
Mandraggy: "(Shhh! What be you doing?) Uh, um, your majesty! This Goblin is on a trip to be learning about Vana'diel."
Tonberry King: "Vhat iz dis? A Goblin in Uggalepih? Step a little closer, younk beastman."

Whoa, any closer and we'd have to get married.
Tonberry King: "Hmph! I can see zat your heart is pure and your intentionz goot."
Mandraggy: "(He must not be looking hard enough...) Thank you very very much for the kind words, your majesty!"
Tonberry King: "I vill let you in on a secret. Somevhere in Vana'diel liez hidden a land of zee Goblinz."
A land of zee Goblinz!? He'd better not be talking about that crazy shop back in Jeuno.
Tonberry King: "Zee entance is hidden deep undergrount. I could take you zhere, if you vish."
"As in come with us? Couldn't you just tell us how to get there...?"
Blood Suckah: "There ya go, Fab. My work here's done / But your bootylicious trip has just begun."

Tonberry King: "Vait... You are zee one who called me 'Ton'?"
Blood Suckah: "Hey, why U trippin', Ton?"
Tonberry King: "You know vhat ve do to zose who make a mockery of zee king's name!?"

Blood Suckah: "Fab, Bro, I'm out! See ya!"
Tonberry King: "Vhere do you sink zat you're goink!?"

Land of the Goblins... It sounds too good to be true. But after all the crazy stuff that I've been through...

To be continued...and you'd better be back to read it because it's starting to get good!