Vonderful Vorld of Tonberriez?

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That's going to leave a scar... Uggh...

Moblina: "Hey! What do you think
you're doing, frog!?"

Tonberry King: "I-I did it for us, my sveet. Now ve can be together! It is our destiny!"
Moblina: "The only future I see between us is me
picking your bones out of tonight's Goblin mushpot."
Tonberry King: "You vill love me van day, Moblina! I'll be vaitink!"

Moblina: "That was a quick exit... Too bad for him he's heading right towards the kitchen."

Moblina: "Fab! Fab! Are you alright?"



Huh? Where am I? Oh, I get it. It's my super-sensory extra-whatsit ability kicking in.

Whoa! That's a long way down. I couldn't even hear my last loogie hit the ground.
I've got to get back to Jeuno and tell Verena about this.
But wait... What would Moblina think if she saw me with Verena?
Verena's got the looks, but Moblina understands me... I don't know what to do.
I guess this is the price you have to pay for being a dashing international superstar.

Anyway, what did I tell you? I (well, Moblina) was able to get rid of
that crazy Tonberry and regain control of my show by the end of the episode.
Did you ever have any doubts?

See you next time!