The next two version updates will march upon Vana'diel in quick succession, with one purported to sortie in early October and the other slated to lay siege in early November.
Adventurers best be ready to mark their territory in Monstrosity, as the October update is scheduled to introduce additional areas for monipulators to prowl along with job abilities to prolong their rampages. More mild-mannered adventurers and moogle lovers, however, can enjoy adjustments to the types of items that can be gathered in Mog Gardens and a new storage system termed the "Mog Case." Finally, job and magic accuracy adjustments round out the list of proposed featured improvements.
New areas and Seekers of Adoulin missions scheduled to be added with the November update mean that pioneers will be able to unearth even more of the Ulbukan continent's secrets. Moreover, antsy pugilists will likely be able to indulge in all the carnage they desire with the following additions: new content for individuals as well as small groups; more gruesome versions of existing battlefields; the ability for monipulators and adventurers to square off against each other in Monstrosity; NPCs able to participate in colonization and lair reives; and enhancements to artifact, relic, mythic, and empyrean equipment.