Thank you to everyone who participated in the May Version Update Survey! We've organized all of the data and we're pleased to share the results along with comments from Producer Akihiko Matsui.
Trust adjustments (Expansion of areas that alter egos can be summoned, behavior pattern improvement, etc.)
"We’re pleased with the overwhelmingly positive response to the adjustments made to the Trust system.
We will continue to add more alter egos and make further adjustments allowing alter egos to better supplement the player’s job and fill more party roles.
We believe this positive response is due in large part to the expansion of areas that alter egos can be summoned in. We will continue moving forward with this mindset of expanding what players are able to do with the Trust system."
Please tell us the Trust alter egos you summon the most.
"The healer and support alter egos Kupipi, Ulmia, and Cherukiki continue to be popular companions.
Looking at the higher popularity of healer- and support-type alter egos compared to tank- and offense-type alter egos, whose roles are easily accomplished by players, we can see a clear trend that players prefer a gameplay style of standing toe-to-toe with monsters while backed up by healer- or support-type alter egos.
Moving forward, in addition to further expanding the capabilities of support-type alter egos, we will be making improvements to tank- and offense-type alter egos to make them more versatile. Also, we will be introducing various new alter egos.
As for the less used alter egos, we will be making adjustments to their stats and AI behavior to bring them up to par with other alter egos."
New Seekers of Adoulin missions
"As we draw closer to the conclusion of the Adoulin storyline, we will do our best to satisfy our less-than-pleased players. We also obtained a clearer idea about how far players have progressed in the Adoulin missions.
It is unfortunate that there are a number of players who do not intend to keep playing, so we will endeavor to build more interest in experiencing the Adoulin storyline."
New Seekers of Adoulin quests
"We see that a lot of players have not yet done the quests added with the May update, including the Kamihr Drifts Survival Skills quests and the geomancer and rune fencer Ergon Weapons quests.
As we continue adding more quests, we will strive to build interest for doing these quests."
New area: Leafallia
"As Leafallia is a comparatively small area that is easy to explore, there are a number of players who are not satisfied.
Although it is an important location in the Adoulin storyline, we will be making additions to make it relevant even to players who are not doing missions."
Geomancer and rune fencer ergon weapons
"Despite the extremely high difficulty in obtaining the geomancer- and rune fencer-exclusive Ergon Weapons, we are happy that there are still some players who want to tackle the rough path of obtaining them.
Since high-level geomancers and rune fencers do not have as many choices in high level gear compared with other jobs, we are considering including additional alternatives."
Records of Eminence additions and adjustments
"The May version update came with Abyssea objectives and added combat objectives for existing areas.
We attribute the positive response to the Abyssea objectives, since players are already doing end-game content and earning merit points in these high-level zones.
We will maintain the concept of adding objectives for content that players can accomplish along the way as well as adding various objectives that are not related to combat."
Coalition rank increase
"Changes to coalitions included the increase in maximum coalition rank and addition of new equipment and coalition services.
As the new weapons largely boost stats while participating in reives, they are especially helpful for players challenging wildskeeper reives.
Although the coalition rank will not be increase further, we are considering adding more items and coalition services."
New Job Point enhancement categories
We currently have total of six job points enhancement categories in total since implementation up until the August update. We’ll continue to add more enhancement categories, as well as increase the limit for individual categories. Additionally, we’ll make it even easier to earn capacity points.
Capacity point chain bonus
Capacity point support for Delve
Easing of experience point and capacity point gain reduction in certain content
"As mentioned above, as a method to make it easier to earn capacity points, we have implemented a party bonus and chain bonus for content, and we've also added capacity points to Delve.
We’re designing this so you can earn job points naturally while playing through various content. However, if you would like to earn a lot at once, we suggest aiming for chain bonuses like how the merit points party worked in the past through dungeon areas such as Doh Gates and Sih Gates."
New high-tier mission battlefields
We added high-tier mission battlefields for the Aht Urhgan storyline. The results were split between those who are interested and those who are not interested in playing this content. We believe this is partly due to the stats of the reward items. We’ll continue to make overall adjustments as well as lower the requirements to participate.
Job adjustments
"This is in regards to the adjustments that took place for paladin, corsair, blue mage, and geomancer.
For the corresponding jobs these were positive adjustments; however, this matter had it’s pros and cons. Job related adjustments affect overall balance, and for this reason it necessary to perform adjustments carefully. However, moving forward we will continue to make adjustments, so please let us know your feedback by posting on the forum."
Food items that affect both pets and players
"In the May version update, we added foods that are aimed towards pet jobs. We'll look into adding various foods with new effects or higher-tier versions of existing foods moving forward.
Please let us know your feedback for effects you’d like to see from food as well as the types of food you'd like to eat!"
Adventuring fellow level cap increase, item level support, and elimination of experience point gain reduction
"I’m sure a lot of players summoned their adventuring fellows and leveled them after a long while.
We'll be proactively looking into requests for expanding the gameplay for the adventuring fellow system."
Addition of new reive momentum bonuses
"We made so after meeting certain conditions when participating in reives, you'll be able to receive fast cast, potency, store TP, and subtle blow effects as momentum bonuses.
On the other hand, because we added more momentum bonuses it became harder to gain specific support effect. We’ll continue to look into making adjustments so you can gain more adequate support. "
Monstrosity instinct order display changes
We have made fine adjustments to improve usability while playing Monstrosity content.
New synthesis recipes
I believe we need to add more ways to stimulate the economy to boost the buying and selling of crafted materials, so we’re looking into adding even higher difficulty recipes. However, we would like to prioritize creating an environment where everyone can skill up their synthesis skills easier.
New items
"In August we’re planning to implement the new “Equipment Sets” feature that will allow you to change all of your equipment with a single command. With this, there will be a greater number of people changing equipment depending on the situation.
For this reason, we anticipate that more demands will be made for equipment with specialized stats, so we would like to add further variations of equipment centered around item level 119 moving forward."
Treasure Hunter bonus increase for Plunderer's Armlet +1
In accordance with the changes made to Treasure Hunter, we have made adjustments to the equipment stats. For those players who spend a lot of time on thief, I encourage you to procure this item.
New Records of Eminence equipment
"Seeing that over half of the responses indicated satisfaction, we feel that many players were able to increase their equipment level through the addition of the Eminent Flute and the various new rings.
On the other hand, we received feedback from leading players that they felt that the stats on this new equipment wasn’t enough.
Since these are part of Records of Eminence, we want to make the difficulty level such so that more players can be satisfied, while keeping in mind about the equipment stats. Moving forward, we’ll be adding new items that can be purchased."
Addition of an NPC to exchange Peacekeepers' Coalition and Records of Eminence equipment for bayld
This was put in place to recycle certain equipment. Please utilize this when you obtain stronger equipment. No matter how valuable an item is, it may be stressful for players to just simply throw it away, and for this reason we would like to have other options available instead of just dropping items.
Changes to the help text display for "Physical damage taken -x%" and "Magic damage taken -x%"
By changing the display method for equipment bonuses which exceed the standard equipment stat values, we were able make a clear distinction between the two.
Additional item support for Moogle Storage Slips
We will continue to expand the Moogle Storage Slip system for items which can only be obtained through specific methods such as Login Point exchange and seasonal events.
Mog Wardrobe
We have received a lot of feedback particularly from high level players who utilize gear swapping tactics that they are running out of storage space. In order to address this, we have prepared a special storage system just for equipment. I am very pleased to see that many of you are satisfied with this addition and this also helped to assure us that we took the right course of action.
New Home Points
We'll continue adding more methods of transportation and strengthen the connection with existing warp methods to make it more convenient to access various content.
Auction house category segmentation
"This is one of the quality of life improvements we made.
We've created separate categories based on application so the items you are searching for can be found easier."
Mog Tablet quest reward changes
In regards to the rewards, aside from those with really powerful effects, the rewards will become less useful as time passes. We will be making adjustments as needed for these types of items.
Zeni Notorious Monster trigger item rate changes
We have made adjustments so players can participate in Zeni Notorious Monster content even after server maintenance.
Addition of configuration settings to the title screen
"The ""Logout Destination"" option is a feature I wanted personally as well. Other members of the development team also agreed with this, so we decided to implement this feature. Our survey shows that over 60% of players were either “satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied”, and we have also received a good response for this option outside of the survey. We’ll continue to make quality of life improvements.
If you have any ideas for improvements, we would appreciate it if you could please post those suggestions on the forum."
Fishing background music playback adjustment
Based on requests submitted on the forum we made adjustments to the background music. We made it feel less stressful by making it so the background music changes naturally.
Chat filter additions for equipment changes displayed in the chat log
Filters are the first thing that affect the chat log window, and for this reason we saw a rather sensitive response toward this.
Chat filter additions for equipment changes displayed in the chat log
Filters are the first thing that affect the chat log window, and for this reason we saw a rather sensitive response toward this.
Addition of new phrases to the auto-translate dictionary
This is a much-needed feature in order to communicate with players who speak other languages. Therefore, we will continue adding more phrases.
Double Capacity Point Campaign
We’ll be increasing the amount of capacity points that can be earned in-game in addition to campaigns such as this and enchantment items.
Repeat Login No. 10
Repeat Login No. 11
I’m glad to see that everyone’s satisfied with the now customary “Repeat Login Campaign.” We’ll continue to hold further “Repeat Login Campaign” in the future, and we'll swap out the items to keep things fresh.
Adventurer Appreciation Campaign
I hope everyone enjoyed the "Mooblin Battle" event. We're planning to introduce another opportunity to obtain the alter ego from this event in the future.