Not content with the Return Home to Vana'diel Campaign and Adventurer Appreciation Campaign commencing on 11 November, we are pleased to announce the return of the Idyllic Vana'diel Intiative, where we have a whopping eleven different campaigns on offer!
Take your time in Vana'diel to all new heights!
Campaign Period: Tuesday, 11 November 2014 at 3:00 a.m. (GMT) to Tuesday, 25 November at 2:00 p.m.
1) Receive your very own green mog pell and SP gobbie key just for logging in!
All adventurers setting foot in Vana'diel will receive a complementary green mog pell the first time they log in during the campaign. What's more, one free SP gobbie key usable for the Goblin Mystery Box's special dial will be handed out each per day!
These items will be received either when logging on or changing zones, so make sure leave two inventory spaces empty.
The green mog pell can be turned in at your local Festive Moogle for a variety of items listed here.
* Festive Moogles may be found in the following areas:
Port San d'Oria (J-9) / Windurst Walls (C-14) / Port Bastok (J-13).
* Characters for whom at least fourteen days have not passed from character creation may not exchange mog pells for items.
* At least forty-five days must have passed since character creation to be eligible to use the Goblin Mystery Box.
2) Double Experience Campaign
Adventurers, fellows, and monipulators will have their experience gains doubled for the duration of the campaign.
* This bonus stacks with the effects of dedication.
* Experience point gains from clearing content, using items, vanquishing foes in Abyssea, besting stormy autochthons in Alluvion Skirmishes, and felling monsters in Yorcia Weald Skirmishes will be unaffected.
3) Double Capacity Point Campaign
Boost your favorite job to new heights, as capacity points earned from slaying baddies will be doubled.
* This bonus stacks with the effects of commitment.
Capacity point gains from clearing content, besting stormy autochthons in Alluvion Skirmishes, and felling monsters in Yorcia Weald Skirmishes will be unaffected.
4) Adoulin Dial Campaign
A brand new dial will added to the Goblin Mystery Box!
The Adoulin dial is usable once per Earth day and provides a variety of rewards specific to Seekers of Adoulin content, such as Skirmish stones and airlixirs from Delve.
* The Adoulin dial is completely free to use.
* At least forty-five days must have passed since character creation to be eligible to use the Goblin Mystery Box.
5) Wildskeeper Reive Campaign
Wildskeeper Reives will undergo the following adjustments.
- Special rewards will be added on top of the existing ones.
- The amount of bayld and fame required to purchase the items required for attempting the Naakuals will be decreased.
- The respawn time for the following enemies will be decreased.
Colkhab / Tchakka / Achuka / Yumcax / Hurkan / Kumhau
6)Meeble Burrows Campaign
Wizened Worms have always captured the hearts and minds of Meebles the world over, but now they are particularly voracious - and will offer new rewards in exchange for their precious treats.
To help facilitate the gathering of these dried goodies, trading a grimoire to the Burrow Researcher will provide you with the maximum number of Moblin pheromone sacks once per Vana'diel day. Should you run out, you will be able to undergo the same process once Vana'diel midnight has passed to receive up to the maximum yet again. (Corrected on Nov. 11, 2014)
Read on for details on the campaign.
* The maximum number of Moblin pheromone sacks that can be held at once can be increased by acquiring the pherobarrier box key item.
7) Mog Gardens Campaign
Mog Gardens will undergo the following adjustments.
- The number of shining stars earned when zoning in to your Mog Garden will be doubled.
- Different items can be caught from the coastal fishing net.
- Items can be procured from Monster Rearing twice daily.
- The following seeds and fertilizer will be sold for the duration of the campaign.
Golden Seed Pouch / Chestnut Tree Sap / Monarch Beetle Saliva
8) Abyssea and Atma Axtravaganza
Participation is a snap! Just open the blue treasure coffer appearing next to Horst in Port Jeuno (H-8) during the campaign period to receive your gifts!
- Eleven types of atma
- One lunar abyssite
- 100,000 Cruor
As an added bonus, the default light values for pearlescent, azure, golden, and silver auras will be set to 100 for the duration!
* Those who have previously received these bonuses are not eligible.
9) Double Skirmish simulacra segment drop rate even
The rate at which Skirmish simulacra segments drop from colonization and lair reives will be doubled!
10) Skirmish Treasure Coffer Campaign
Reap greater rewards from Skirmishes and Alluvion Skirmishes, as treasure coffers will be of even higher quality throughout the duration, providing higher quality stones and more translurry and transmelange.
11) Alter Ego Extravaganza Unlimited
Missed your chance to get your hands on some of your favorite comrades in previous Alter Ego Extravaganzas? Now's the perfect chance to add some fresh Trust spells to your repertoire!
Procure yourself ciphers of Vana'diel's following movers and shakers:
- From the Far East, the enigmatic Tenzen!
- The Springserpent General herself, Mihli Aliapoh!
- Valaineral R Davilles, master of the Uriel Blade!
- Coming to you straight from Abyssea, Joachim!
- Vana'diel's most prestigious chocobo chick, Sakura!
- The Red Menace, Ovjang!
- The Reticent Protector, Mnejing!
- Elivira, the battledancer!
- Noillurie, the rose of love and honor!
- Ferreous Coffin, the bringer of white death!
- Lhu Mhakaracca of the thrashing axe!
Read on for details on obtaining these mysterious scrolls.