We are pleased to announce a new collaboration with Pictlogica Final Fantasy, a Japan-only smartphone application, starting on Tuesday, November 25.
This collaboration includes a total of eleven new items available as furnishings, each of which depicts a famous NPC from the world of Vana'diel in retro-style pixel art.
Gather the full set from Unity Concord activities or from your Mog Garden, and trade with you friends to make wonderful collections that all of you can enjoy!
Collaboration Period
Tuesday, 25 November, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. (GMT) to Tuesday, December 9 at the same hour.
Methods of Acquisition
1) When logging in or changing areas, you will receive one board depicting a famous figure from your home nation.
Guardian Board / Stoic Board / Wizardess Board
* Players will receive one of these items throughout the collaboration period upon changing areas or logging in.
* Changing home nations will not reward the player with an additional board.
2) Harvesting a furrow that has been planted with arborscent seeds will reward the player with either a sproutling board or a forestdweller board.
* The furrow must be harvested during the collaboration period.
* Green Thumb Moogles located in Mog Gardens sell arborscent seeds for 1,111 gil.
3) Adventurers' Mutual Aid Network (A.M.A.N.) representatives will sell the following boards in exchange for Unity accolades.
Princess Board / Empress Board / Duelist Board / Crystal Board / Dancer Board / Fighter Board
- A.M.A.N. representatives can be found in the following locations.
Southern San d'Oria / Bastok Markets
Windurst Woods / Western Adoulin
4) A new pictlogica dial will be added to the Goblin Mystery Box for the duration, allowing players a chance at snagging any of the eleven boards. The dial can be spun once per day (Earth time), and provides the player with one of the board.
- Goblin Mystery Box Locations
Southern San d'Oria / Port San d'Oria
Bastok Mines / Bastok Markest
Windurst Walls / Windurst Woods
Upper Jeuno / Lower Jeuno
Aht Urhgan Whitegate / Western Adoulin
Eastern Adoulin
Pictlogica Final Fantasy is an illustrated puzzle smartphone game featuring pixel art from the FINAL FANTASY series.
* The application is only available in Japan.