Announcing the Results of the June and July Version Update Survey (05/12/2014)

Alter ego adjustments (summoning alter egos in parties, level sync support, expansion of the areas where they can be summoned, improvements to their behavior patterns, etc)

We'd like to make more content clearable when fighting alongside alter egos.
At the moment we're prioritizing Trust compatibility for mission battles, and once that's settled we'll look into compatibility with other contents.
Since there's content specific mechanics as well as entrance and exit processes, we'll be taking time to handle each one manually.
If there are any content or areas that you'd like to see prioritized, please give us feedback on the forums.

Please tell us the Trust alter egos you summon the most

If the majority of solo players are tanks or damage dealers, it's no surprise that the top used alter egos are healers and support types.
On the other hand, we feel that the option to summon certain alter egos for specific situations is not being utilized.
Since there's a variety of different alter egos, we'd like to adjust it so that there's some fun in choosing the alter egos you use as well.

Monster Rearing

Game design-wise we've been placing a focus on being able to play with ease.
In the December version up we'll be implementing "Chacharoon's Aid" through Monster Rearing which will make day to day adventuring easier.

Arcane glyptics for wildskeeper reive equipment

We've prepared this for players who enjoy customization.
Please try out various combinations of Arcane Glyptics for different jobs and uses.

Please indicate which of the following content you felt was good.

We've adjusted the ROE objectives that were added in June and July so that when back line jobs form parties they are able to obtain Sparks of Eminence.
Additionally we wanted everyone to enjoy the world of Adoulin, so we've added a quest line with a story that gives a better grasp of the lore.
There's an open period until more of the quest chain is added, so we'll be looking at the development schedule to see if we need to add one-off quests as well.

Please indicate which of the following content you felt was good.

The Mog garden has finally reached its final rank. If you get all gathering points to rank 7, you'll be able to obtain the "Straw Hat" item.
We've swapped around some of the rewards from Super Kupower as its been quite some time since its implementation. We'll be making adjustments as needed in the future as well.

New high-tier mission battlefields (★The Shadow Lord, ★Head Wind)

There was a time when it was difficult to play due to the multiple uses and necessity of Merit Points. Afer looking into congestion situations, we've lowered the amount of Merit Points necessary for enjoying content in the November version update.

Large scale weapon skill adjustments (adjustment made to damage inflicted by weapon skills, adjustments made to status modifiers and TP bonuses.)

We've made adjustments this time around so that storing TP can be meaningful and players can make use of different weapon skills appropriately.
Depending on the weapon skill, there are skills that will increase in damage if you took time to save TP before executing them. Pleas be sure to try out different weapon skills in different situations.

Increase of TP gained when attacking

We've made adjustments to TP generation so that it generates at a set rate instead of having it rely on weapon delay.
With this adjustment, weapons with a shorter delay will generate TP at a faster rate than normal.

Skillchain damage adjustments

We've made adjustments so that creating skillchains with a monster's elemental resistance will result in more damage.

Red mage adjustments (Addition of new spells: "Haste II", "Distract", etc.)

Party compositions with red mages will now be able to reach the haste cap easier.
With this adjustment, we hope that there will be chances to look at other beneficial effects besides haste.

Paladin adjustments (Addition of new spell: "Crusade.")

Knowing that the enmity from damage dealers is on the rise, we've added a spell that will make it easier for tanks to maintain themselves as the target of the enemy.
We can't gurantee that the target will be held with just this spell, but we believe this should strengthen the ability to hold a target.

Ninja adjustments (Addition of new spells: "Gekka: Ichi" and "Yain: Ichi")

We've added ninjutsu that increases enmity gain and decreases enmity gain for ninjas.
Use it in combination with Yonin and Innin with your party composition and surrounding situation in mind.

Blue mage adjustments (Addition of new spells: "Erratic Flutter", "Thrashing Assault", and "Subduction")

We plan on adding more blue magic spells in the future.
For the blue magic spells that did not receive status adjustments, we've made these adjustments in the November version update.

Corsair adjustments (Adjustment made so the effect of Corsair's Roll affects Capacity Points)

Please make use of this when you are after Capacity Points.

Puppetmaster adjustments (Addition of a new spell: "Haste II")

We've raised pet accuracy for all pet jobs.
We'll be making adjustments to each job separately from now on.
We're also currently looking into adding new attachments for puppetmasters.

Geomancer adjustments (adjustments made to Indi-type geomancy and the addition of new spells: "Indi-Haste", "Geo-Haste", etc.)

We've added an ability that allows indicolure magic to be cast on party members.
With this adjustment, we think geomancy spell selection will change.
We'll continue to make adjustments while keeping an eye on geomancers.

Rune fencer adjustments (addition of a new spell: "Crusade", adjustments made to Rune Enchantment)

Similar to paladins, we've added a spell that will make it easier to gain enmity.
At the same time, we've also removed the enmity from Rune Enchantments that were used for enmity gain. We're returning Rune Enchantments to its original use of being used depending on the monster type and traits it possesses.

Please indicate which of the following battle-related adjustments you felt was good.

We're planning on adjusting Merit Points by raising the caps while considering the usage difference with Job Points.
We'll make adjustments to battle content so that even more people can participate while we give consideration to congestion.
One example is Delve. We've adjusted the NMs that are above ground so that they always drop Yggzi beads. With this adjustment it should become easier to obtain and use Yggzi beads to challenge bosses.

Synthesis kits

We've implemented synthesis kits to help increase synthesis skills.
Synthesis kits will help up until 70 skill. Additionally, we're currently looking into adding more ways to obtain them outside of purchasing them from the shops.

Please indicate which of the following item additions you felt was good.

We’ll continue to look at the requests from players and add food items which affect both players and pets. Also, for pet items which you can feed to familiars you have called out using the “Call Beast” ability, we are planning to introduce new synthesis recipes, as well as make them available through shops. As for the equipment trade-ins, we’ll continue to increase the types of items which the NPC can accept, so please send in your feedback for any equipment you would like to trade in.

Please indicate which of the following item-related adjustments you felt was good.

Taking into account that there are many more items available now, we revamped the stack amount for certain items. However, doing this may also be inconvenient when putting an item up on the auction house, and for this reason we have to carefully consider changing stack amounts from 12 to 99.

New menu: History

We believe this feature is very useful for recipes which require synthesizing multiple food items or ammuntion.
I used to make Insect Balls on a daily basis, so I wanted this feature myself.

Addition of text commands (/lastsynth, /aim, etc.)

This is a special emote where you'll be able to look at your ranged weapons closely.
Using this emote, you'll be able to take out your ranged weapons even inside town. Be sure to use it if you have a ranged weapon you'd like to show off to your friends or when you want to take screenshots.

Please indicate which of the following system-related adjustments you felt was good.

We have placed an icon on the top right of the screen where you can verify the item data loading state. If you plan to use a macro to switch equipment after zoning to a different zone, wait for this icon to go away first and then use the macro.

Please indicate which of the following quality-of-life adjustments you felt enhanced convenience.

With the concept of "being able to access content in under 30 minutes, and gain full experience even with an hour of gameplay" in mind, we'll continue to strive to make quality-of-life adjustments.
We'll be making adjustments to content that requires large groups of players for long periods of time, so please continue to send in your feedback.

Please tell us which of the following campaigns you would like to see take place in the future.

We now have more varieties of campaigns available.
We'll use this survey as well as the feedback from everyone to make changes as needed.
You'll be able to check the details for each of the campaigns through topics, and the overall schedule of these events can be found through the in-game system message.