Ring in the new year in style with five campaigns coming to Vana'diel!
Campaign Period
Thursday 18 December 2014 at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) to Wednesday, 14 January 2015 at the same hour.
Double Unity Accolade Campaign
Unity accolade gains from completing Records of Eminence objectives and vanquishing monsters will be doubled!
Surge Walk Campaign
All Walk of Echoes content will become surge and endowed walks throughout the duration. Use this opportunity to get valuable items, experience, and capacity points!
* Walks that are normal when the campaign begins will be converted to surge walks upon entry.
Wildskeeper Reive Campaign
Wildskeeper reives will undergo the following modifications throughout the duration.
- Special rewards will be added on top of the existing ones.
- The required key items will be sold for less bayld than usual and will require less fame.
- The respawn time for the six Naakuals given below will be decreased.
Colkhab / Tchakka / Achuka / Yumcax / Hurkan / Kumha
Alter Ego Ekpo
Alter ego attributes will undergo the following modification, making them easier to use than before.
- Maximum HP and MP will be increased by a factor of 1.5.
- Alter egos will gain a high resistance to status ailments.
Mog Gardens Campaign
Mog Gardens will undergo the following modifications throughout the duration.
- The number of shining stars received when entering a Mog Garden will be doubled.
- The coastal fishing net will provide different special items.
- Items may be harvest from Monster Rearing twice per day.
- The following items will be sold in the gardens specially throughout the duration.
Golden Seed Pouch / Chestnut Tree Sap / Monarch Beetle Saliva