Welcome Back Records of Eminence Objectives (02/11/2015)

As part of the November Version Update, it will be possible to obtain the following alter egos through Records of Eminence objectives.
Achieving these objectives will allow you to obtain the following tank, healer, melee fighter, caster, and support alter egos.

- Valaineral R Davilles, master of the Uriel Blade!
- The Springserpent General herself, Mihli Aliapoh!
- From the Far East, the enigmatic Tenzen!
- Adelheid Sturm, explosives expert
- Coming to you straight from Abyssea, Joachim!

Achieving the Objectives

Speak to one of the following NPCs and complete the "First Step Forward" Records of Eminence objective under "Tutorial". Once completed, a new objective called "Call Forth an Alter Ego" will appear in the objectives list. After completing any of the "Trust: " quests, you will be rewarded with a cipher for calling forth an alter ego.

- Rolandienne in Southern San d'Oria (G-10)
- Isakoth in Bastok Markets (E-11)
- Fhelm Jobeizat in Windurst Woods (J-10)
- Eternal Flame in Western Adoulin (H-11)

Learning Trust Magic

After reaching Level 5, speak to one of the following NPCs to complete the tutorial Trust quest and learn how to call forth alter egos from each nation.

- Gondebaud in Southern San d'Oria (L-6)
- Clarion Star in Port Bastok Markets (K-7)
- Wetata in Windurst Woods (G-10)