Jingle Baaas Anniversary Event (01/11/2016)

Celebrate XI Day with a new anniversary event, Jingle Baaas, starting on 11/11 !

This event features a reward fashioned by the famed Chacharoon and a variety of other items.

Event period

Friday, 11 November at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) to Wednesday, 30 November at 2:59 p.m.

Participating in the event

Speak with Chacharoon at one of the locations listed below to help him retrieve something very special to him. If you agree to help him, he will present you with a jingly rod.

West Ronfaure (I-6) / South Gustaberg (J-7) / West Sarutabaruta (J-8)

Equip the jingly rod and speak to Chacharoon again to have him teach you several lost arts. You will then be transformed, reduced to level 5, and gain the ability to use certain emotes to perform special techniques. Use the techniques to vanquish the requisite notorious monsters.
* Select the costume status icon and deactivate it in order to escape the level restriction.


Notorious monsters will occasionally drop jingly for you to retrieve. Trade chacharoon jingly in exchange for a variety of items. Rewards include special items fashioned by Chacharoon himself, in addition to a bevy of other goodies. You could even earn some special prizes by meeting certain conditions.