Log in during the period and receive a special in-game item!
Event Period
Friday, 11 November at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) to Monday, 21 November at 2:59 p.m.
Special Gift
Characters who log in during the campaign period will receive a silver mog pell, which can be traded for a wide variety of special items. This item will be automatically placed in your inventory, so be sure to make some room.
* Characters are only eligible for one pell during this campaign.
Items Available for Exchange
Trade your silver mog pell to a festive moogle to receive one of the following items.
* Only characters for whom 14 days or more have elapsed since character creation are eligible to exchange pells for items.
* Festival moogles can be found in the following locations.
Port San d'Oria (J-9) / Windurst Walls (C-14) / Port Bastok (J-13)
60 Beastmen's Seals / 60 Kindred's Seals / 60 Kindred's Crests / 60 High Kindred's Crests / 60 Sacred Kindred's Crests
Rolanberry Delightaru / Harvest Pastry / Cherry Tree / Far East Hearth / Pot of Wards / White Clematis / Pink Clematis / Birch Tree
Cichol's Mantle / Segomo's Mantle / Alaunus's Cape / Taranus's Cape / Sucellos's Cape / Toutatis's Cape / Rudianos's Mantle / Ankou's Mantle / Artio's Mantle / Intarabus's Cape / Belenus's Cape / Smertrios's Mantle / Andartia's Mantle / Brigantia's Mantle / Camprestres's Cape / Rosmerta's Cape / Camulus's Mantle / Visucius's Mantle / Senuna's Mantle / Legh's Cape / Nantosuelta's Cape / Ogma's Cape
10 Abdhaljs Thread / 10 Abdhaljs Dust / 5 Abdhaljs Sap / 3 Abdhaljs Dye / 2 Abdhaljs Seals / 1 Abdhaljs Needles
Ambuscade Voucher: Head / Ambuscade Voucher: Body / Ambuscade Voucher: Hands / Ambuscade Voucher: Legs / Ambuscade Voucher: Feet