“I've heard that Vana'diel is easier to enjoy than ever, and I'm really looking forward to trying out those new mounts! But with all the new battle content, I don't know if my gear is up to snuff!”
We've heard this and other similar sentiments from players who have taken a break from their adventures in Vana'diel, and so we've decided to hold a series of campaigns aimed at enhancing all aspects of your life in Vana'diel!
This series of week-long campaigns aims to have you in fighting form easier than ever before so that you can try out all the content that has been added to FINAL FANTASY XI since you've been done! If you start in the first week of the campaign and continue throughout the month, you'll be able to catch up to even the most experienced of players!
Read on for more information about the various campaigns.
Week One: Get item level 119 weapons and armor!
Campaign Period: Sunday, 1 January at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) to Sunday, 8 January at the same hour.
Get your feet wet through the Tutorial section of Records of Eminence, complete the objective Call Forth an Alter Ego, and proceed as follows.
If you have already purchased equipment using sparks of eminence, your next step should be to head to Alluvion Skirmishes! With the Skirmish Frenzy campaign, personal treasure coffers will rank up quicker than ever, letting you obtain equipment in an efficient manner. If you find yourself lacking a diverse alter ego repertoire with which to tackle these otherworldly dimensions, then you'll want to get your hands on the whopping 24 ciphers available during the December 2016 login campaign!
Read on for information about Alluvion Skirmishes.
Read on for information about Records of Eminence.
Week Two: Acquire items you can tailor to suit your needs!
Campaign Period: Sunday, 8 January at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) to Sunday, 15 January at the same hour.
Now that you've gone over the basics, it's time to put your newly-found power to the test in large-scale battle content with other players! Participate in Wildskeeper Reives to grab customizable equipment as well as high-purity bayld to help line your coffers with gil. Don't hesitate to join in if you see a shout for one of these reives!
Get started with Wildskeeper Reives by speaking with Dimmian in Eastern Adoulin (E-6). Note that your fame in Adoulin must have reached a certain level to trigger the appropriate dialogue option.
Week Three: Find your place in a party with other players!
Campaign Period: Sunday, 15 January at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) to Sunday, 22 January at the same hour.
With your preparations out of the way, you're ready to participate in high difficulty content! Delve provides strong item level 119 equipment, and Vagary gets you started on the path to reforging empyrean equipment! With the campaigns going on in week three, you'll be able to enjoy a more generous reward scheme from both of these systems, so party together with experienced players to make steady progress!
Read on for information about Delve.
Read on for information about Vagary.
Week Four: Grab job-specific weapons!
Campaign Period: Sunday, 22 January at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) to Tuesday, 31 January at 2:59 p.m.
You've cleared Alluvion Skirmishes, tackled Delve, and bested Vagary, so now you're ready to set foot in the toughest of the tough battle content: Geas Fete and Domain Invasion, each located in the Escha areas. The rewards here are not to be missed!
Read on for information about Geas Fete.
Read on for information about Domain Invasion.