The Jeuno Institute of Magical Studies is conducting a survey amongst the adventuring community to find their next cipher target. Respond to their survey and perhaps the one you dream of adventuring alongside may become a reality!
However, the Institute notes that the alter ego will vanish once this special occasion ends. Try and make your wish come true while you can!
Please make sure you read and agree to the rules before submitting an entry.
By submitting an entry, you agree to the following terms.
Since there is no PII being collected through this survey we can remove this limitation.
--Entry Rules-------------------------
Entry Requirement
- You have a playable character in FINAL FANTASY XI.
- You agree to the entry rules below.
Entry Period
Tuesday, May 16, 2017 to Wednesday, May 31, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. (GMT) / 3:00 p.m. (GMT)
Alter Ego Selection
- Any FINAL FANTASY XI NPC that hasn't been made into an alter ego as of Tuesday, May 16, 2017 is eligible.
- The selected alter ego will be displayed as they appear in Vana'diel.
- You can also suggest two Sphere effects. The winning alter ego will not use auto attacks, magic, abilities, or weapon skills.
For example: The alter ego Sakura has a sphere effect that grants Regen and also increases physical combat skill up rate.
If a Sphere effect from an existing alter ego is assigned then the effect will not stack.
The development and operation teams will set the final Sphere effect values.
The FINAL FANTASY XI development and operation teams will select the winning alter ego and Sphere effects. The winning alter ego is scheduled to be implemented in the September version update.
Alter Ego Availability
From the September 2017 version update to the May 2018 version update.
* Alter ego availability period may be subject to change.
The winning NPC will be implemented into FINAL FANTASY XI as an alter ego.
How to Submit an Entry
Please fill out the entry form with the following required information.
- Character Name
- World Name
- NPC you would like to see as an alter ego
* When entering the NPC's name, please remove any special characters, hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes.
Iron Eater: IronEater
Yoran-Oran: YoranOran
- Two Sphere effect suggestions
* Please select from the attributes that are available as of May 16, 2017. Please use the exact official language used in the help text for the item, magic effect, or job traits. Also, please do not include any additional information such as effect values.
"Treasure Hunter"+ will be accepted, but TH+ will not
"Magic Damage" will be accepted, but "Damage increase for magic spells" will not
"Magic Burst II damage +" will be accepted, but "Magic Burst II damage +4" will not
One (1) entry per Square Enix account. If multiple entries are submitted, only the last entry submitted will be accepted.
--Submission Rules-------------------------
If an entry falls into any of the below categories, or otherwise violates these terms of Square Enix's other terms or policies, the entry will be disqualified.
- Entries containing obscenity, vulgarity, discrimination, or any other offensive subject matter
- Entries that infringe the intellectual property rights (including copyrights), privacy rights, or other rights of any third party
- Entries that are counter to public order and/or morals
- Submissions with content judged to be grossly deviant from the established theme
- Entries missing any of the required fields
- Square Enix reserves the right to judge whether or not material is appropriate
Content submitted with the survey will be treated as User Content in accordance with the SQUARE ENIX EUROPE Terms of Use, Section 1.5, which can be found here (
Entry Form
The entry form can be found here.