15th Vana'versary Records of Eminence Objectives Part Two (07/09/2017)

We're pleased to announce the second set of 15th Vana'versary Records of Eminence objectives!

The overarching theme of these objectives is nostalgia―the team will add multiple objectives spread over five different version updates, with each objective hearkening back to memories of Vana'diel that we hope many of you have shared over the years.

The second set takes us outside of the three nations to Mhaura and Selbina, featuring quests from some of your favorite NPCs, the skillchains that we've come to know and love, and more―all so that you and your friends can experience a little slice of Vana'diel history.

Event period

From the version update on Monday, 11 September, 2017, to the version update in May 2018.


15th Vana'versary Records of Eminence objectives can be set from the Records of Eminence menu after completion of the objective First Step Forward.
Those quests marked as "(Weekly)" may only be completed once per week, and reset when Conquest points are tallied.
* Players will also be able to set, complete, and enjoy objectives from the first batch back in May.

Receiving the respective key items requires completion of the objectives displayed at the very top. These objectives will yield different rewards and become weekly objectives after they have been completed for the first time.

15th Vana'versary objectives will remain available after the May 2018 version update, but their rewards will change and you will no longer be able to obtain dial keys #ANV.

Setting the Objectives

1. Select the objective list from the Quests menu.

2. Select "Vana'versary" from the list of categories.

3. Select “15th Vana'versary II.” Note that future objectives will have additional subcategories.

4. Set the objective of your choice.


Completing an objective will yield certain rewards.

- Dial Key #ANV
These keys may be used to open the Gobbie Mystery Box anniversary dial by speaking with NPCs in the following locations.

Mystrix in Southern San d'Oria (L-7) / Habitox in Port San d'Oria (I-10) / Bountibox in Bastok Mines (K-9) / Specilox in Bastok Markets (I-7) / Arbitrix in Windurst Walls (C-14) / Funtrox in Windurst Woods (G-7) / Priztrix in Upper Jeuno (I-10) / Sweepstox in Lower Jeuno (I-6) / Wondrix in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (F-11) / Rewardox in Western Adoulin (H-10) / Winrix in Eastern Adoulin (G-10)

The anniversary dial may occasionally yield items and equipment not ordinarily found in the special dial.
* You may open the anniversary dial even after the May 2018 version update as long as you possess a dial key #ANV.

- Ancient Melody
This key item has no particular use at the moment, but might have something special associated with it when combined with other key items to be added in future version updates.