The following campaigns will be held starting Monday, 11 June.
Campaign Period: Monday, 11 June, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) / 9:00 a.m. (BST) to Saturday, 30 June, at 2:59 p.m. / 3:59 p.m.
Assault - Nyzul Isle Uncharted Area Survey Mysterious Item Campaign
During the campaign, adventurers will have a chance to acquire new mysterious items whenever defeating a notorious monster on each floor.
Double Simulacra Segment Campaign
The drop rate for simulacra segments in colonization and lair reives will be doubled for the duration.
Delve Campaign – PLUS
Delve will receive the following adjustments for the duration of the campaign.
Players will earn double the usual amount of Mweya Plasm from defeating Delve monsters.
Twice the usual amount of Mweya Plasm will drop when clearing Delve.
Monsters may drop Airlixirs +1 and Airlixirs +2 when vanquished.
Skirmish Stone and Arcane Glyptics Campaign
Engraving the following items with arcane glyptics will yield better results than before
Ninza +2 / Leisilonu +2 / Iztaasu +2 / Crobaci +2 / Faizeer +2 / Iclamar +2 / Iizamal +2 / Qatsunoci +2 / Kannakiri+2 / Shichishito +2 / Aedold +2 / Lehbrailg +2 / Uffrat +2 / Bocluamni +2 / Hgafircian +2
Cizin Helm +1 / Cizin Mail +1 / Cizin Mufflers +1 / Cizin Breeches +1 / Cizin Greaves +1 / Otronif Mask +1 / Otronif Harness +1 / Otronif Gloves +1 / Otronif Brais +1 / Otronif Boots +1 / Iuitl Headgear +1 / Iuitl Vest +1 / Iuitl Wristbands +1 / Iuitl Tights +1 / Iuitl Gaiters +1 / Gendewitha Caubeen *1 / Gendewitha Bliaut +1 / Gendewitha Gages +1 / Gendewitha Spats +1 / Gendewitha Galoshes +1 / Hagondes Hat +1 / Hagondes Coat +1 / Hagondes Cuffs +1 / Hagondes Pants +1 / Hagondes Sabot +1 / Beatific Shield +1
Skirmish Frenzy Campaign - PLUS!
Skirmishes will undergo the following changes during the campaign.
- Personal treasure coffer ranks will increase much faster.
- The spawn rate of yecuexes will be increased in Alluvion Skirmishes.
- The spawn rate of Balamor's Adumbration will be increased in Skirmish - Yorcia Weald (U).
- Vials of translurry will always be obtainable in Skirmish - Yorcia Weald (U).
- Vials of transmelange are more likely to be obtained in Skirmish – Outer Ra'Kaznar (U).
- The spawn rate of heartwings will be increased in Skirmishes in Yorcia Weald (U) and Outer Ra'Kaznar (U).
High-Tier Mission Battlefield Campaign
The number of personal drops in the following battlefields will be increased by one, and players will receive either a pluton, a pluton case, a pluton box, a chunk of beitetsu, a beitetsu case, a beitetsu box, a riftborn boulder, a boulder case, or a boulder box.
★Ark Angels 1 / ★Ark Angels 2 / ★Ark Angels 3 / ★Ark Angels 4 / ★Ark Angels 5 /
★Return to Delkfutt's Tower / ★The Celestial Nexus / ★The Savage / ★The Warrior's Path /
★Puppet in Peril / ★Legacy of the Lost / ★Rank 5 Mission / ★Head Wind /
★One to be Feared / ★Dawn / ★Pentacide Perpetrator / ★Trial by Fire / ★Trial by Ice /
★Trial by Wind / ★Trial by Earth / ★Trial by Lightning / ★Trial by Water /
★The Moonlit Path / ★Waking the Beast / ★Waking Dreams
* Higher quality items will drop more frequently on higher difficulties.
Monster Rearing Campaign
Reared creatures will be twice as likely to transform during the campaign.
Combat and Magic Skill Increase campaign
Combat skills will be more likely to increase while in combat for the duration. Additionally, magic skills will be more likely to increase when casting spells.