The following campaigns will be held starting on Sautrday, 11 August, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) / 9:00 a.m. (BST)
Campaign Period: Saturday, 11 August, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) / 9:00 a.m. (BST) to Friday, 31 August at 2:59 p.m. / 3:59 p.m.
Mog Gardens Campaign
Mog Gardens will undergo the following modifications throughout the duration.
- The number of shining stars received when entering a Mog Garden will be doubled.
- Different items will wash ashore.
- Items may be harvest from Monster Rearing twice per day.
- The following items will be sold in the gardens specially throughout the duration.
Golden Seed Pouch / Chestnut Tree Sap / Monarch Beetle Saliva
Bronze Bed / Mahogany Bed / Noble's Bed / Goblin Stew 880
Campaign Festa
Campaign will undergo the following adjustments throughout the event.
- Experience and allied notes earned from evaluations will be doubled.
- The amount of spoils obtained from treasure chests when participating in unions will be increased.
Furthermore, earn special rewards, including montiont silverpieces, 100-byne bills, Lungo-Nango jadeshells, and more from the following four Campaign Ops, in addition to their normal spoils.
- Splitting Heirs
- Cracking Shells
- Plucking Wings
- Fiat Lux
Voidwatch Campaign
All lights start at their maximum alignment values during the campaign.
Reisenjima Geas Fete Equipment Campaign
An additional personal reward will drop from Geas Fete notorious monsters in Reisenjima, providing you with an extra chance to obtain their spoils!
Dark Matter Arcane Glyptics Campaign
Geas Fete notorious monsters in Reisenjima through Arcane Glyptics can be engraved with arcane glyptics up to six times at no additional charge, with the equipment receiving the same benefits as if they were engraved with dark matter.
* Visit Oseem in Norg (I-7) to engrave your equipment.
* At 3:00 p.m. (GMT) each day (Earth time), the restriction is lifted and you will be able to engrave your equipment up to six times again.
Domain Invasion Campaign
Throughout the campaign, during a Domain Invasion no notorious monsters other than Azi Dahaka, Naga Raja, or Quetzalcoatl will spawn.
Domain Invasion Anti-Predator Campaign
The following notorious monsters will not prowl the skies throughout the duration of the campaign.
Azi Dahaka in Escha - Zi'Tah
Naga Raja in Escha - Ru'Aun
Combat and Magic Skill Increase Campaign
Combat skills will be more likely to increase while in combat for the duration. Additionally, magic skills will be more likely to increase when casting spells.