The following campaigns will be held starting on Friday, 11 October at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) / 9:00 a.m. (BST).
Campaign Period: Friday, 11 October, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) / 9:00 a.m. (BST) to Thursday, 31 October, at 2:59 p.m. / 3:59 p.m.
Delve Campaign – PLUS
Delve will receive the following adjustments for the duration of the campaign.
Players will earn double the usual amount of Mweya Plasm from defeating Delve monsters.
Twice the usual amount of Mweya Plasm will drop when clearing Delve.
Monsters may drop Airlixirs +1 and Airlixirs +2 when vanquished.
Surge Walk Campaign
All Walk of Echoes content will become surge walks throughout the duration. Use this opportunity to get valuable items, experience, and capacity points!
* Walks that are normal when the campaign begins will be converted to surge walks upon entry.
Double Unity Accolade Campaign
Unity accolade gains from completing Records of Eminence objectives and vanquishing monsters are doubled!
Unity Wanted Campaign
During the campaign, completing Wanted I, Wanted II, and Wanted III Records of Eminence objectives will yield 2 treasure chests of each type.
High-Tier Mission Battlefield Campaign
The number of personal drops in the following battlefields will be increased by one, and players will receive either a pluton, a pluton case, a pluton box, a chunk of beitetsu, a beitetsu case, a beitetsu box, a riftborn boulder, a boulder case, or a boulder box.
★Ark Angels 1 / ★Ark Angels 2 / ★Ark Angels 3 / ★Ark Angels 4 / ★Ark Angels 5 /
★Return to Delkfutt's Tower / ★The Celestial Nexus / ★The Savage / ★The Warrior's Path /
★Puppet in Peril / ★Legacy of the Lost / ★Rank 5 Mission / ★Head Wind /
★One to be Feared / ★Dawn / ★Pentacide Perpetrator / ★Trial by Fire / ★Trial by Ice /
★Trial by Wind / ★Trial by Earth / ★Trial by Lightning / ★Trial by Water /
★The Moonlit Path / ★Waking the Beast / ★Waking Dreams
* Higher quality items will drop more frequently on higher difficulties.
Monster Rearing Campaign
Reared creatures will be twice as likely to transform during the campaign.
Dynamis Granules of Time Campaign
Players will automatically receive all types of granules of time upon entering Dynamis.
Dynamis - Divergence Statue Crusher Campaign
Players will earn additional rewards when besting statues in Dynamis – Divergence.