The following campaigns will be held starting Wednesday, 11 March, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT)
Campaign Period: Wednesday, 11 March, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) to Tuesday, 31 March, at 2:59 p.m. (GMT) / 3:59 p.m. (BST)
Delve Campaign – PLUS
Delve will receive the following adjustments for the duration of the campaign.
Defeating Delve monsters and clearing Delve will yield double the usual amount of Mweya Plasm.
Monsters will drop Airlixirs +1 and Airlixirs +2 when vanquished.
Campaign Festa
Campaign will undergo the following adjustments for the duration of the campaign.
- Experience and allied notes earned from evaluations will be doubled.
- The amount of spoils obtained from treasure chests when participating in unions will be increased.
Furthermore, earn special rewards, including montiont silverpieces, 100-byne bills, Lungo-Nango jadeshells, and more from the following four Campaign Ops, in addition to their normal spoils.
- Splitting Heirs
- Cracking Shells
- Plucking Wings
- Fiat Lux
Unity Wanted Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, completing Wanted I, Wanted II, and Wanted II Records of Eminence objectives will yield 2 treasure chests of each type.
High-Tier Mission Battlefield Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, the number of personal drops in the following battlefields will be increased by one, and players will receive either a pluton, a pluton case, a pluton box, a chunk of beitetsu, a beitetsu case, a beitetsu box, a riftborn boulder, a boulder case, or a boulder box.
★Ark Angels 1 / ★Ark Angels 2 / ★Ark Angels 3 / ★Ark Angels 4 / ★Ark Angels 5 /
★Return to Delkfutt's Tower / ★The Celestial Nexus / ★The Savage / ★The Warrior's Path /
★Puppet in Peril / ★Legacy of the Lost / ★Rank 5 Mission / ★Head Wind /
★One to be Feared / ★Dawn / ★Pentacide Perpetrator / ★Trial by Fire / ★Trial by Ice /
★Trial by Wind / ★Trial by Earth / ★Trial by Lightning / ★Trial by Water /
★The Moonlit Path / ★Waking the Beast / ★Waking Dreams
* Higher quality items will drop more frequently on higher difficulties.
Special Dial Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, players will receive an #SP dial key each day upon logging in. This key can be traded to the NPC at the Gobbie Mystery Box to spin the special dial.
* No dally tally will be expended upon spinning the special dial.
* Only characters for whom 45 days or more has passed since character creation are eligible to use the Gobbie Mystery Box.
Dynamis Granules of Time Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, players will automatically receive all types of granules of time upon entering Dynamis.
Chocobo Digging Skill Increase Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, chocobo digging skill will be more likely increase each time your chocobo digs.
* When run concurrently with the Hyper Chocobo Digging Campaign, experience gains will be properly applied even though there are no changes in visual effects.
Combat and Magic Skill Increase Campaign
Combat skills will be more likely to increase while in combat for the duration of the campaign. Additionally, magic skills will be more likely to increase when casting spells.
Ambuscade Gallantry Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, the number of badges of gallantry earned from normal and intense Ambuscades will be doubled once per day.
* This bonus stacks with the effects of Abdhaljs seals and will reset at 8:00 a.m. (PDT) each day.
* This bonus stacks with the effects of Abdhaljs seals and will reset at 3:00 p.m. (GMT) each day.