The following campaigns will commence on Saturday, 12 March, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT)
Campaign Period
Saturday, 12 March 22, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) to Thursday, 31 March, at 2:59 p.m. (GMT) / 3:59 p.m. (BST)
Double Simulacra Segment Campaign
The drop rate for simulacra segments in colonization and lair reives will be doubled for the duration of the campaign.
Delve Campaign – PLUS!
Delve will receive the following adjustments for the duration of the campaign.
Defeating Delve monsters and clearing Delve will yield double the usual amount of Mweya Plasm.
Monsters will drop Airlixirs +1 and Airlixirs +2 when vanquished.
Surge Walk Campaign
All Walk of Echoes content will become surge walks for the duration of the campaign. Use this opportunity to get valuable items as well as triple experience and capacity points!
* Walks that are normal when the campaign begins will be converted to surge walks upon entry.
Adoulin Dial Campaign
A brand new dial will added to the Goblin Mystery Box for the duration of the campaign.
The Adoulin dial is usable once per Earth day and provides a variety of rewards specific to Seekers of Adoulin content, such as Skirmish stones and airlixirs from Delve.
Further, the chance of receiving equipment from the SP dial will be increased.
* The Adoulin dial is completely free to use.
* At least forty-five days must have passed since character creation to be eligible to use the Goblin Mystery Box.
Skirmish Frenzy Campaign - PLUS!
Skirmishes will undergo the following changes for the duration of the campaign.
- Personal treasure coffer ranks will increase much faster.
- The spawn rate of yecuexes will be increased in Alluvion Skirmishes.
- The spawn rate of Balamor's Adumbration will be increased in Skirmish - Yorcia Weald (U).
- Vials of translurry will always be obtainable in Skirmish - Yorcia Weald (U).
- Vials of transmelange are more likely to be obtained in Skirmish – Outer Ra'Kaznar (U).
- The spawn rate of heartwings will be increased in Skirmishes in Yorcia Weald (U) and Outer Ra'Kaznar (U).
Voidwatch Campaign
All lights will start at their maximum alignment values for the duration of the campaign.
Dark Matter Arcane Glyptics Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, Geas Fete equipment from Reisenjima can be engraved with arcane glyptics up to twelve times at no additional charge, with the equipment receiving the same benefits as if they were engraved with dark matter.
* Visit Oseem in Norg (I-7) to engrave your equipment.
This restriction is lifted at 3:00 p.m. (GMT) / 4:00 p.m. (BST) each day and you will be able to engrave your equipment up to six times again.
Dynamis Granules of Time Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, players will automatically receive all types of granules of time upon entering Dynamis.
Dynamis - Divergence Statue Crusher Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, players will earn additional rewards when besting statues in Dynamis – Divergence.
Hyper Chocobo Digging Campaign
The time that rest pass between executing your next command after digging will be decreased for the duration of the campaign.
* This does not apply if your skill is at its maximum.