We're pleased to announce a new event, Mandragora Mania Madness, in celebration of the 20th Vana'versary! This event will commence on Monday, May 16.
Earn a bevy of fabulous prizes, including the Moogle shirt!
Event Period
Monday, 16 May, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) / 9:00 a.m. (BST) to Tuesday, 31 May, at 2:59 p.m. / 3:59 p.m.
How to Participate
Speak with a moogle at one of the following locations.
Southern San d'Oria (I-8) / Bastok Markets (F-8) / Windurst Waters (F-9)
You will receive a Moogle shirt after speaking with the moogle.
Next, speak with Chacharoon at one of the following locations to play Mandragora Mania Madness.
Southern San d’Oria (J-9) / Bastok Markets (F-8) / Windurst Waters (F-9)
Play the minigame to earn a special currency known as mandy, which can be exchanged for a dizzying array of special rewards!