The following campaigns will commence on Friday, 11 November, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT)
Campaign Period
Friday, 11 November 2022, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) to Wednesday, 30 November, at 2:59 p.m.
Chain Experience Bonus Campaign - PLUS!
Experience chains will yield double to triple the normal amount of experience for the duration of the campaign. Additionally, the maximum benefit of Dedication from items will be doubled.
Chain Capacity Point Bonus Campaign - PLUS!
Experience chains will yield double to triple the normal amount of capacity points for the duration of the campaign. Additionally, the maximum benefit of Commitment from items will be doubled.
Chain Monstrosity Bonus Campaign - PLUS!
Experience chains will yield double to triple the normal amount of experience for the duration of the campaign. Additionally, the maximum benefit of Dedication from items will be doubled.
Increased Seal and Crest Drop Rate Campaign
The rate at which seals and crests are dropped will be increased for the duration of the campaign based on the number of members in the party, up to a maximum of six seals.
Additional Seal Battlefield Spoils Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, vanquishing specific monsters in the battlefields below will reward you with a variety of items, including materials needed to craft +2 empyrean equipment, Mog Bonanza kupons, Dynamis currency, and valuable synthesis materials.
Additionally, Shemo in Port Jeuno (H-8) will exchange seals and crests at a reduced rate of 2:1.
Orb (Price) | Available Battlefield | Name | Entry Restrictions | Monsters |
Phobos Orb (30 Kindred's Crests) | Horlais Peak | Kindergarten Cap | All Levels 15 minutes 3 person party | Malodorous Mort |
Waughroon Shrine | The Palborough Project | All Levels 15 minutes 3 person party | Mahuika | |
Balga's Dais | The V Formation | All Levels 15 minutes 3 person party | Kutkha | |
Deimos Orb (50 Kindred's Crests) | Horlais Peak | Last Orc-Shunned Hero | All Levels 30 minutes 6 person party | Bruteborn Krushkosh |
Bonesetter Medokvok | ||||
Crackshot Zwogchog | ||||
Wyvernking Dragzagg | ||||
Waughroon Shrine | Shell Shocked | All Levels 30 minutes 6 person party | Ga'Khu Bloodglee | |
Ro'Mho Unrelenting | ||||
Vu'Dhe Impervious | ||||
Zi'Pha Foecrippler | ||||
Balga's Dais | Avian Apostates | All Levels 30 minutes 6 person party | Kaa Xhei the Doomsayer | |
Pha Groxo the Aloof | ||||
Xee Khoyi the Shrouded | ||||
Zuu Feya the Impassive | ||||
Chamber of Oracles | Dragon Scales | All Levels 30 minutes 6 person party | Ekhis | |
Sybaris | ||||
Sacrificial Chamber | Whom Wilt Thou Call | All Levels 30 minutes 6 person party | Grievous Gozar | |
Puffy Marshmaw | ||||
Slimey Simeon | ||||
Zymotic Zuulie | ||||
Zelos Orb (30 High Kindred's Crests) | Boneyard Gully | Agnostic Ambuscade | All Levels 15 minutes 6 person party | Antiphus |
Bearclaw Pinnacle | Taurassic Park | All Levels 15 minutes 6 person party | Predataur x 5 | |
Bia Orb (50 High Kindred's Crests) | Mine Shaft #2716 | The Mobline Comedy | All Levels 15 minutes 6 person party | Buggesy |
Bugafrod | ||||
Monarch Linn | Nest of Nightmares | All Levels 15 minutes 6 person party | Gullinkambi |
Assault - Nyzul Isle Uncharted Area Survey Mysterious Item Campaign
Adventurers will have a chance to acquire new mysterious items whenever defeating a notorious monster on each floor for the duration of the campaign.
Mog Gardens Campaign
Mog Gardens will undergo the following modifications for the duration of the campaign.
- The number of shining stars received when entering a Mog Garden will be doubled.
- Different items will wash ashore.
- Items may be harvested from Monster Rearing twice per day.
- The following Items will be sold in The gardens.
Golden Seed Pouch / Chestnut Tree Sap / Monarch Beetle Saliva
Bronze Bed / Mahogany Bed / Noble's Bed / Goblin Stew 880
Wildskeeper Reive Campaign - PLUS!
Wildskeeper reives will undergo the following changes for the duration of the campaign.
- The required fame and bayld cost of The key item required to participate will be reduced.
- Enemies will drop four pinches of high-purity bayld.
- Enemies will drop Mog Kupons AW-WK.
- The respawn times for the following notorious monsters will be educed.
Colkhab / Tchakka / Achuka / Yumcax / Hurkan / Kumhau
Alter Ego Expo
Alter egos will receive the following improvements for the duration of the campaign.
- Alter egos' Maximum HP and MP will be increased by 50%.
- Alter egos will have stronger resistance to status ailments.
Double Unity Accolade Campaign
Unity accolade gains from completing Records of Eminence objectives and vanquishing monsters will be doubled for the duration of the campaign.
Adoulin Dial Campaign
A brand new dial will added to the Goblin Mystery Box for the duration of the campaign.
The Adoulin dial is usable once per Earth day and provides a variety of rewards specific to Seekers of Adoulin content, such as Skirmish stones and airlixirs from Delve.
Further, the chance of receiving equipment from the SP dial will be increased.
* The Adoulin dial is completely free to use.
* At least forty-five days must have passed since character creation to be eligible to use the Goblin Mystery Box.
Voidwatch Campaign
All lights will start at their maximum alignment values for the duration of the campaign.
Unity Wanted Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, completing Wanted I, Wanted II, and Wanted II Records of Eminence objectives will yield 2 treasure chests of each type.
High-Tier Mission Battlefield Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, the number of personal drops in the following battlefields will be increased by one, and players will receive either a pluton, a pluton case, a pluton box, a chunk of beitetsu, a beitetsu case, a beitetsu box, a riftborn boulder, a boulder case, or a boulder box.
★Ark Angels 1 / ★Ark Angels 2 / ★Ark Angels 3 / ★Ark Angels 4 / ★Ark Angels 5 /
★Return to Delkfutt's Tower / ★The Celestial Nexus / ★The Savage / ★The Warrior's Path /
★Puppet in Peril / ★Legacy of the Lost / ★Rank 5 Mission / ★Head Wind /
★One to be Feared / ★Dawn / ★Pentacide Perpetrator / ★Trial by Fire / ★Trial by Ice /
★Trial by Wind / ★Trial by Earth / ★Trial by Lightning / ★Trial by Water /
★The Moonlit Path / ★Waking the Beast / ★Waking Dreams
* Higher quality items will drop more frequently on higher difficulties.
Dark Matter Arcane Glyptics Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, Geas Fete equipment from Reisenjima can be engraved with arcane glyptics up to twelve times at no additional charge, with the equipment receiving the same benefits as if they were engraved with dark matter.
* Visit Oseem in Norg (I-7) to engrave your equipment.
This restriction is lifted at 3:00 p.m. (GMT) each day and you will be able to engrave your equipment up to twelve times again.
Special Dial Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, players will receive an #SP dial key each day upon logging in. This key can be traded to the NPC at the Gobbie Mystery Box to spin the special dial.
* No dally tally will be expended upon spinning the special dial.
* Only characters for whom 45 days or more has passed since character creation are eligible to use the Gobbie Mystery Box.
Monster Rearing Campaign
Reared creatures will be twice as likely to transform for the duration of the campaign.
Combat and Magic Skill Increase Campaign
Combat skills will be more likely to increase while in combat for the duration of the campaign. Additionally, magic skills will be more likely to increase when casting spells.
Omen Job Card Campaign
Omen will receive the following adjustment for the duration of the campaign.
- It will be easier to obtain job cards upon clearing additional objectives.
- It will be easier to obtain job cards when defeating lesser monsters along specific routes.
Omen Light Double-Up Campaign
Omen will receive the following adjustment for the duration of the campaign.
- Two Omen lights will be activated when vanquishing monsters.
* If the first light is a good one, the second will not appear.
Dynamis - Divergence Statue Crusher Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, players will earn additional rewards when besting statues in Dynamis – Divergence.
A.M.A.N. Trove Original Equipment Drop Rate Increase Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, the drop rate of the following equipment will be increased.
Kyrene's Earring / Hypaspist Earring / Sroda Earring / Nicander's Necklace / Sroda Necklace / Epaminondas's Ring / Menelaud's Ring / Sroda Ring / Orpheus's Sash / Sroda Belt / Sroda Tathlum
A.M.A.N. Trove Gazillionaire Campaign
The gil awarded when a special reward activates will be increased to 10,000,000.