A (Still) Little Goblin’s Adventure : Treasures of Aht Urhgan Fablinix: Assault Me Baby, One More Time(07/04/2006)

Hey everybody! Has it been a year already? No? Whatever. You all remember how I kicked some serious Mamool butt back during Besieged? Well, the Fab is back and ready for more! Yeah! I’ll slice up the first beast that comes my way!

And while I’m waiting, I’ll check out some more of this fine bricksmanship! Wait! Here comes somebody now!

After I besiege this beastman‘s brains out, I can sautée that scrumptious-looking sprout growing from his head. Mmmmmm…fiber...

Mandraggy: “Hey! Fabmeister being terrible terrible companions. Why you no tell me that Little Goblin’s Adventure being back for limited times?”

“Hey, wait a minute! You’re no scrumptious-looking sprout, you’re that...sprout!”

Mandraggy: “No! Mandraggy being Mandraggy! Now go grabbing your daggers and let us be moving. The three of us getting Assault!”

“No, Sprout. That is the incorrect use of a definite article. The correct grammar would be ‘get some salt.’ You see, salt is a mass noun, like ‘bread’ or ‘water.’ You wouldn’t say, ‘get a water’ now, would you?”

Mandraggy: “No... I guessing not... But, why are we getting the salt?”

“I don’t know, you brought it up.”

Mandraggy: “No, Fab be bringing it up! No... Wait... I be bringing it up! No... The three of us be getting Assault! Look! Final member here!”

Tonberry King: “Zee hero of your story haz arrived! All bow down before zee kink!”

“Spiffy hat... Blunt knife... Beady eyes... No pants... Now I remember! You’re the frog that killed Thickshell!”

Mandraggy: “Fab! Be watching your mouth! That frog being Tonberry King!”

Tonberry King: “You have zee nerve to call me frog!? Have you looked in a mirror lately!?”

“Of course I have. Got to keep cool for the ladies.”

Tonberry King: “Hah! I hear zat your number-one lady left you for a smithy vith a nice dirk.”

“Hey! Tell me something that smithy has that I don’t!”

berry King: “How about Moblina? Heh heh heh!”

Mandraggy: “Would you twos be quieting down? Here. Now come reading this pamphlet on Assault.”

What is it with these people and their pamphlets?