“Alright, we’re in a cave. Hold on, guys. I don’t know how much more excitement I can take in a day.”
Tonberry King: “Qviet, fool! Zis iz just zee beginnink. Countless challenges avait us deep vithin this eldritch grotto!”
“Ah, and there’s the first one over yonder! ‘Challenge of the Red Water.’ Sprout, go over and taste some of that bubbling brew and see if you’ve got what it takes!”
Mandraggy: “Whatever you be saying, boss!”
Mandraggy: “Aieeeeeeeee! Hot! Hot! Hot!”
Mandraggy falls to the ground.
I guess he didn’t have what it takes.
Tonberry King: “Shhh! Look over zere! Monsters!”
“Um, those guys look awfully muscular. Hey, you’re a king. Why don’t you use your royale presence to get us a free pass to the treasure chamber?”
Tonberry King: “Vell, vell, vell. For vonce you say somethink zat iz not zee stupid. Vait here.”
”Maybe I can sneak by while they’re eating him...”