Empire's Most Wanted(14/07/2006)

Empire's Most Wanted

Even among the beastmen, the creatures listed below are especially notorious for their crimes against the Empire. All competent mercenaries and adventurers are encouraged to aid in their elimination.

Percipient Zoraal Ja

A general belonging to the Mamool Ja warrior class, Zoraal Ja has a reputation for inspiring courage in his soldiers and is acknowledged by the Imperial Army as a fearsome combatant. However, his recent failures to overcome the defenses of Al Zahbi have resulted in Zoraal Ja's temporary removal from a position of authority. The Empire wishes to ensure his defeat before he is allowed to return to the ranks of the savages.

An investigation by the Immortals has revealed Zoraal Ja's ability to manipulate a large colibri that can imitate his voice. Be on the lookout for trickery.

Lamia No.19

Marked by a tag buried within her body, this creature is known to be the nineteenth experiment in a series of original chimera creations. Leading a strike force of undead minions, Lamia No.19 has been threatening Imperial Army supply routes along the coast of the Arrapago Reef with frequent hit-and-run attacks.

Eyewitnesses claim to have seen her appear after large-scale battles, and stop to tap each corpse with her staff--information that may prove useful in locating this elusive adversary.

The Gar Brothers

Garharlor, Garfurlar, and Garhorlur are three Troll siblings infamous for their many surprise attacks on Immortals and Imperial troops alike. Even among the warlike Troll race, the Gar clan is famous for producing berserk warriors who lose the ability to distinguish from friend and foe when the madness of battle descends upon them. Perhaps due to some recent incident, the Gar Brothers have not been included in the last few attacks on Al Zahbi.

Officer Shazarsh,
Imperial Military Relations

Illustration by Mitsuhiro Arita