from FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Job Adjustments: Samurai (29/09/2006)
The next version update will feature adjustments to several jobs. We would like to take this opportunity to detail upcoming changes to the samurai job in particular. In addition, the FINAL FANTASY XI development team plans to continue making adjustments in accordance with the announcements made at the Tokyo Game Show's Vanafesta 2006.
Click here to read more.
FINAL FANTASY XI at Tokyo Game Show 2006! (28/09/2006)
The Tokyo Game show, held in Japan from September 22 to September 24, was host to a frenzy of FINAL FANTASY XI fun.
Click here to read a report on the event.
Tracking the Elusive Beast (27/09/2006)
This just in: Mysterious tracks have been discovered in the lands of the Near East! Professor Clavauert, the man responsible for the find, claims that the tracks are from an unconfirmed ancient race of beastmen. His assistant Atelloune seeks to uncover the truth in her new article!
Click here to read it!
Action Taken Against Third-Party Tool Users (26/09/2006)
Today, a number of accounts confirmed to be in violation of the user agreement through the use of unauthorized third-party software tools within FINAL FANTASY XI have been suspended or permanently terminated.
Click here for details.
from FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Additions and Adjustments to Chocobo Raising (25/09/2006)
Soon you can expect more from care plans and experience a variety of new chocobo colors and appearances! Chocobo raisers have a lot to look forward to in the next version update!
More details can be found here.
from FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions and Quests! (20/09/2006)
Prepare to experience the continuation of the Treasures of Aht Urhgan storyline, as well as numerous exciting new quests, in the upcoming version update!
Click here for details.
from FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Version Update in October! (13/09/2006)
The next version update is currently under development and scheduled to be released in mid-October. Expect all-new Assault areas, missions, quests, and enemies, not to mention even tougher Besieged battles and a plethora of other new content!
Keep checking this site for more information as it is made available!
Linkshell Community: Let Your Voice Be Heard! (08/09/2006)
Starting today and ending at 11:00 on September 21st (GMT), we will be conducting a survey to gather user opinions and suggestions for the FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community beta version. Submit your comments and help us make this feature even more useful!
The user survey has ended.
Thank you for your cooperation.