Special Task Force Interview! (30/11/2006)
Japanese site Gameinside.info has conducted an interview with our Special Task Force. Check it out on OnlineWelten and learn more about the people who are keeping FFXI fun and fair!
We are looking forward to receiving your comments and questions.
Click here for details.
FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta Version Update (28/11/2006)
The FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta has been updated. A calendar and an auto-login function have been introduced to the site, in addition to changes made to existing features.
Click here for details.
Click here to go to the Linkshell Community.
Over 11,500 accounts in violation of the FINAL FANTASY XI user agreement were suspended or banned today. These accounts belonged to users that engaged in RMT activities or made use of third-party tools or "cheats".
Click here for details.
from FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Version Update Highlights (22/11/2006)
Many new features, as well as improvements to existing game mechanics, are planned for the upcoming version update. In today's Topics, we'd like to bring you a taste of what's in store.
Click here for details.
FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta Version – Introduction of New Features (22/11/2006)
New features and design changes such as the addition of a new calendar feature and an auto-login feature are planned to be implemented in the FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community on November 28 (Tuesday).
Also Premier sites posted the Community Team comments.
For more information Click here.
FFXI Premier sites Click here.
from FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Upcoming Version Update (20/11/2006)
The next version update is schedule for release in mid-December.
In this update, you can look forward to the introduction of a large-scale battle system called "Salvage", access to new areas within the Ruins of Alzadaal, new chocobo raising features, job adjustments, and much, much more!
Further details regarding the content of the version update will be released at a later date.
Special Task Force (06/11/2006)
We are pleased to announce the official formation of a special task force as of October 2006 that will operate within the greater management team.
Click here to learn more about this special task force's role.
The Dark Lilies (Volume 2) (02/11/2006)
With the aid of bold adventurers, the reasons behind the appearance of each of the ghostly witches were uncovered.
Using this valuable information, the exorcists in each town quietly employed their powers to banish the spirits on the dawn following the last day of the bustling Harvest Festival celebrations.
At that time, one of the witches revealed a startling truth of twenty years past...
Click here to read The Dark Lilies (Volume 2).