FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta Version Update (28/02/2007)
The next update for the FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta Version is scheduled for the beginning of March. Some of the planned changes include additions to the "Community Information" section (Language, Time Frame of Activity, Linkshell Recruitment Status), expansion of the search feature, the addition of a feature to divide "Link Shell Event Information" by language, and a feature that will automatically convert URLs into links within a post.
The German and French versions of the site will go online on the same day.
The management team has posted details regarding the update on the premium site.
FFXI Premier sites Click here.
The Doll Festival (23/02/2007)
Do you like dolls? Do you like diamond-shaped sweet rice cakes? Do you like being mysteriously transformed into a little girl? Well, then we have the event for you! The three nations of Bastok, Windurst, and San d'Oria have broken out the peach trees and life-sized dioramas and turned up the festivity meter to 10, all in time for the legendary Doll Festival!
And what would a festival be without the meddling of those merry moogles down at the MHMU? Your cuddly friends have been working 25-hour days without overtime for the past three and a half weeks to prepare sweet snacks just for you and the other one million adventurers out there.
But that's not all! Your other friends here in Topics-land have also been planning an exciting contest for all the aspiring artists in Vana'diel.
To learn more about the Doll Festival, click here.
To learn how to enter the Fan Art Contest, click here.
Over 5,000 accounts in violation of the FINAL FANTASY XI user agreement were suspended or banned today. These accounts belonged to users that engaged in RMT activities or made use of third-party tools or "cheats".
Click here for details.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Besieged Adjustments (20/02/2007)
In the upcoming version update, we plan to make further adjustments to Besieged, including a level increase to the beastman armies, the addition of new temporary items, and new combat abilities for the Serpent Generals.
Click here for details.
Doll Festival Extraordinaire! (16/02/2007)
Has it been a year already? It seems like only yesterday when adventurers were last dining on gourmet rice cakes and posing for glamour shots all across the cities of Vana'diel. That's right, the Doll Festival is here again, and the moogles down at the MHMU headquarters have been burning the midnight oil preparing a fresh new batch of sweet rice goodness for all the good little boys and girls. And for those of you who need a little more stimulation than gluten and natural coloring has to offer, we are also planning a doll festival/spring-themed fan art contest, to be held right here within the Topics.
*Poppin' fresh rice cakes are scheduled to arrive in the delivery boxes of every adventurer on Monday, February 19, 2007.
*Entries for the fan art contest will be accepted starting Friday, February 23. For information on how to participate, be sure to check the Topics on that day.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Upcoming Version Update Details (14/02/2007)
In the upcoming version update, we plan on introducing the next segment of the Treasures of Aht Urhgan missions, as well as a number of new features and improvements that will make your life in Vana'diel more enjoyable than ever before!
Check out today's Topics for a preview of some of the changes.
Click here for details.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Upcoming Version Update (09/02/2007)
The next FINAL FANTASY XI version update is scheduled to take place in early March.
We are currently working on implementing the long-awaited chocobo racing system, as well as new missions, quests, monsters, Assault areas, and more! Along with various system additions and improvements, we will also be raising the maximum level of the beastman armies in Besieged.
Further version update details will be released in an upcoming Topics article. Stay tuned!
FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta Version Update Complete (08/02/2007)
Today, we performed an update on the FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta Version, implementing several system refinements, including improvements to the login screen, adding the ability to link URLs, and extending the length of time login information is saved.
Click here for details.
Or here to join the FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community.
FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta Version Update (02/02/2007)
Since its release, the FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta site has seen heavy traffic from our dedicated players.
On February 8, we plan to make several system refinements, including improvements to the login screen, adding the ability to link URLs, and extending the length of time login information is saved.
Also the Community Team comments have been posted on the Premier sites.
For more information Click here.
FFXI Premier sites Click here.