It's almost that time again! That's right, it's almost time for the Feast of Swords!
Normally, this Far Eastern festival is a time to honor the growth of young boys by dressing them up in armor and having them parry back and forth in mock battles. Oh, and let us not forget all the tasty treats that accompany the festivities.
However, this year there seems to be a little problem...
Click here for details...if you dare!
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
June Version Update (27/04/2007)
The next version update for FINAL FANTASY XI is scheduled to take place in early June. Players can look forward to a new, large-scale battle system, as well as additional Assault Missions, Aht Urhgan missions, quests, monsters, merit point abilities, and more!
Keep on eye on Topics for the latest details!
Treasures of Aht Urhgan Expansion Page Updated! (26/04/2007)
Click here to learn all about the new chocobo racing feature introduced in the March version update!
Over 3,900 accounts in violation of the FINAL FANTASY XI user agreement were suspended or banned today.
Click here for details.
eSports Convention Report (18/04/2007)
To celebrate its launch, FINAL FANTASY XI 2007 EDITION was showcased at the eSports Convention in Berlin from the 30th of March to the 1st of April.
Click here to read the report!
All Fan Art Contest Entries Now On Display! (09/04/2007)
Our very first Fan Art Contest saw more than five hundred amazing pieces of work submitted from players around the globe. We highly recommend taking a stroll through the galleries and perusing these wonderful masterpieces!
View all the Fan Art Contest entries here.