From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
September Version Update Preview (29/08/2008)
Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for more streamlined adventuring—the September version update is just around the corner! Continuing in the tradition of enhancing creature comforts in your Vana'dielian lifestyle, we're proud to introduce a number of adjustments and additions scheduled to take place.
Click here for more information.
FFVault Gets Reinvigorated! (28/08/2008)
The hard-working team over at FFVault has been burning the midnight oil to completely re-launch the site with updated features, new staff, and loads of new content. Be sure to head over and partake in all the exciting new things that the team has cooked up!
Visit the new FFVault today!
Special Task Force Report (26/08/2008)
Today's report will outline our actions conducted from July 23, 2008 to August 26, 2008 in dealing with players violating the user agreement, as well as details on the activities, results, and goals of the Special Task Force.
Click here for a report on the Special Task Force's overall activities.
Around 6,180 accounts in violation of the FINAL FANTASY XI user agreement were suspended or banned today.
Click here for details.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (25/08/2008)
The FFXI development team is proud to announce the "Level Sync" system, a revolutionary new feature in the upcoming version update that will allow all players—grizzled veterans and novices alike—to adventure and gain experience together regardless of level differences!
Click here for all the details!
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
The Campaign Continues! (15/08/2008)
In the ever-present attempt to render Campaign more agreeable to the player palate, the September version update will play host to a veritable smorgasbord of additions and tweaks, adjustments and tunings!
Get the scoop right here.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Merit Points Group 1 for Dancer and Scholar! (13/08/2008)
Dancers and scholars, rejoice! The job-specific merit point category, Group 1, will finally be coming to you in the upcoming version update!
Read on to find out more.
Games Convention 2008! (12/08/2008)
We're in Leipzig again this year!
You are all invited to come and see us at our Square Enix booth. We're happy to welcome you all!
Great goodies and surprises await!
The GC homepage is now live! Click here for more information.
Introducing the "Final Fantasy XI Players' Collection."
It is with great pleasure that we introduce the "Final Fantasy XI Players' Collection"—a new series of collectible accessories.
Click here to learn more about these items scheduled for release this autumn!
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Dynamis and Limbus Get a Makeover! (04/08/2008)
The September version update just keeps getting bigger and better! We would like to take this opportunity to announce our intentions to implement some all-new features to both Dynamis and Limbus, as well as a few adjustments brought in by popular demand!
Click here to find out all the juicy details!