Survey: Which Game Client Do You Use? (31/08/2011)
Starting today, we will be conducting a survey on the game client players use to play FINAL FANTASY XI.
How to answer the survey:
After you login to PlayOnline and select FINAL FANTASY XI under "Games", a survey will be displayed. Please place a check mark on the client you use to play FINAL FANTASY XI. (If you use multiple clients to play, please select all that are applicable.)
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
The user survey has ended.
Thank you for your cooperation.
FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server Launches! (29/08/2011)
We are pleased to announce that the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server has gone live today!
The FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server is a special server dedicated to testing various features that are in development for future version updates. With the test server, players may try out new content before its release and submit feedback and suggestions for improvement on the official forums.
The initial test period will focus on the new job abilities, job traits, and magic spells set to accompany the level cap increase that will be featured in the forthcoming version update.
Read on to find out how you can access the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server!
Proceed on to peruse the test details.
Regarding the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server (26/08/2011)
We are pleased to announce that we will be launching the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server on August 29th!
The FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server is a special server dedicated to testing various features that are in development for future version updates. With the test server, players may try out new content before its release and submit feedback and suggestions for improvement on the official forums.
The initial test period will focus on the new job abilities, job traits, and magic spells set to accompany the level cap increase that will be featured in the forthcoming version update.
More details on how you can join the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server will be announced in the coming days, so stay tuned!
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Voidwatch: The Second Chapter (26/08/2011)
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:
[dev1026] Voidwatch: The Second Chapter
Proceed to the thread.
Easier Payment Options (25/08/2011)
In light of recent developments concerning the Square Enix Account Transfer process, we would like to advise our esteemed fans and customers that we have decided to extend the deadline for transferring Square Enix accounts. This will allow us more time to implement a series of alternative and easier payment options to accommodate various customer preferences. We are confident this will help alleviate some of the concerns you have expressed about the billing system.
Click here to see further details about these planned improvements.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
New Version Update in the Works (25/08/2011)
The FINAL FANTASY XI development team is hard at work putting the finishing touches on the next version update, currently on track for a late September release.
This update will see players climb to heretofore-unseen heights of power as the level cap is raised to 95, with a slew of new job abilities, spells, and more joining the mix as well.
And that's only the start of it! New Voidwatch areas, Burning Circle battlefields, the second stage of the Dynamis overhaul, and other additions and refinements to existing content will challenge players to make the most of their newfound abilities.
For further details, stay tuned to the Updates section of the official forums!
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:
[dev1025] New Battlefields
Proceed to the thread.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:
[dev1024] Job Adjustments
Proceed to the thread.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Dynamis Adjustments (18/08/2011)
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:
[dev1023] Dynamis Adjustments
Proceed to the thread.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Grounds of Valor Adjustments (12/08/2011)
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:
[dev1022] Grounds of Valor Adjustments
Proceed to the thread.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Level Cap Increase (09/08/2011)
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:
[dev1021] Level Cap Increase
Proceed to the thread.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Walk of Echoes Battlefield Adjustments (05/08/2011)
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:
[dev1020] Walk of Echoes Battlefield Adjustments
Proceed to the thread.