March Topics, 2012

Square Enix Account Transfer Finalisation Period (28/03/2012)

Following the recent implementation of new payment methods, which allow direct payment for recurring subscriptions using credit and debit cards, we would like to announce that we will be utilising the Square Enix Account Management System exclusively for billing going forward. Therefore, we ask that all users who wish to continue enjoying FINAL FANTASY XI without interruption transfer their information from PlayOnline over to the Square Enix Account Management System.

For those individuals who have already made this transfer, no further action is required.

Read on for additional details on transferring to the Square Enix Account Management System.

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

March Version Update Comes Blazing In! (26/03/2012)

Winter's chill may still linger, but adventurers all across Vana'diel can keep themselves warm by leaping into the fray of Legion, where large hosts of brave souls can battle against the realm's fiercest enemies yet!

Should that not be enough to shake the icicles from your limbs, the Voidwatch is in need of help more than ever with the establishment of the Tavnazia and Aht Urhgan jurisdictions. Further mastery of crafting is now possible due to recent breakthroughs in research, the Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region and Walk of Echoes have heated up due to revitalizing changes, and the color will return to the face of many an adventurer after seeing the myriad job adjustments implemented in this update.

Hungering to know more? Read on for all the details of this latest version update!

Eggstra! Eggstra! Read All About It! (21/03/2012)

It's time to break out your baskets and sharpen your egg-le eyes for the egg hunt, kupo!

As always, all you need to do is egg-ssemble initialed eggs, arrange them in an eggs-orbitant number of ways, and redeem them for egg-ceptional prizes! I'm so egg-cited, my wings have started whisking up meringue just thinking about it, kupo!

The MHMU has truly spared no egg-spense this year, providing a plethora of presents—some new, some old—for egg-venturers far and wide! So get cracking and beat a path to your nearest representative before this offer egg-spires!

Stop the presses! It seems we have a merry missive from our moogles in the manufactory!

"We had to scramble to paint everything on time, but we hope you enjoy the yolks of our labor, kupo."

I love to see that sort of spirit from our slav—I mean spegg-tacular laborers, kupo. Their plucky perseverance and devious devotion to disguise are just two of the reasons only the most eggs-pert of adventurers can find any initialed eggs in the field.

Speaking of which, do you know how the best and brightest go about finding those oval objects obscured by their environs? Well you're in luck, because the newest journalist for Magic Paradise Weekly just egg-cepted that very assignment! Read on for all the ooey-gooey facts surrounding egg collection, kupo.

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

Moogle Porter Service Expansion (16/03/2012)

A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:

[dev1104] Moogle Porter Service Expansion

Proceed to the thread.

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

Voidwatch Finale (16/03/2012)

A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:

[dev1103] Voidwatch Finale

Proceed to the thread.

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server Update (13/03/2012)

Today, various adjustments and updates have been implemented on the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server.

We encourage players to give all the in-development content a thorough testing, and look forward to receiving your feedback!

Proceed on to peruse the test details.
Read on to find out how you can access the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server!

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server Update (09/03/2012)

Today, various adjustments and updates have been implemented on the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server.

We encourage players to give all the in-development content a thorough testing, and look forward to receiving your feedback!

Proceed on to peruse the test details.
Read on to find out how you can access the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server!

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

Job Adjustments: Black Mage (07/03/2012)

A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:

[dev1102] Job Adjustments: Black Mage

Proceed to the thread.

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server Update (02/03/2012)

Today, various adjustments and updates have been implemented on the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server.

We encourage players to give all the in-development content a thorough testing, and look forward to receiving your feedback!

Proceed on to peruse the test details.
Read on to find out how you can access the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server!

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

Config Adjustment (02/03/2012)

A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:

[dev1100] Config Adjustment

Proceed to the thread.

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

Crafting Skill Cap Increase (02/03/2012)

The following thread in the Updates section of the official forums has been updated with new information:

[dev1045] Crafting Skill Cap Increase

Proceed to the thread.

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

Equipment Menu Adjustment (02/03/2012)

A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:

[dev1099] Equipment Menu Adjustment

Proceed to the thread.

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

Adjustments to Assault: Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region (02/03/2012)

A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:

[dev1101] Adjustments to Assault: Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region

Proceed to the thread.

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

New Merchant NPC Items (02/03/2012)

A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:

[dev1098] New Merchant NPC Items

Proceed to the thread.