Arboreal Maledictions (29/10/2013)
Our amazing analysts at the Adoulin Examiner are back with their third enchanting exposition!
In our last issue, the dynamic duo sought to question a quirky man dressed in black...but their valiant efforts ended in vain.
I wonder who he was, kupo...
Setting that aside, in this astounding article Fam and Owl attend to the magnificent mysteries of the Ulbukan continent.
To think! A genteel girl gallivanting through the wilds! Her family must be furious, kupo!
But this time, they took with them a young woman affiliated with the Order of Weatherspoon, which asserts authority equal to the omnipotent Order of Adoulin.
Why? Well, with exceptional exorcists like...what's his name...that's right, Vortimere! Vortimere commands the highest heights of respect.
You know, for many moons, men have told tales of the "curse of the forest"...could it be related to the exorcists, kupo?
Read the revealing report on their adventures with a freshly-minted exorcist and find out!
New Information Available on the Seekers of Adoulin Website! (28/10/2013)
Enjoy new information regarding a variety of topics on the Seekers of Adoulin website, including: Kumhau, the Flashfrost Naakual; new areas; new monsters; and Mog Garden additions!
Visit the Seekers of Adoulin Website for details!
Monipulators and Adventurers Duel to the Death! (18/10/2013)
Sharpen your claws and whet your blades, for monipulators will soon be able to do battle with adventurers! The Monstrosity website elucidates various aspects of this startling new feature, including how to enter the fray and how victors shall be rewarded for their diabolic deeds!
Grit your teeth before viewing the gruesome details.
Don't Judge a Galka by His Fur (16/10/2013)
Happy harvest-time hoedown, hearty harriers of havening!
Once again the vibrations of voluminous voices chanting "Trick or treat," will soon echo extensively off enclosures and embankments throughout the three nations, kupo.
By the way, do you remember the record of rambling rovers from the remote west who smoked out the secrets of the spooky and spine-chilling Dark Lilies for all to see? I believe they maintained peace under the moniker of "exorcist," kupo.
Well, one of these acolytes of Altana wound up waxing wise in Windurst with a mage.
Thanks to his seriously sagacious statements, the mage learned some lasting lessons about not berating a book based on its binding, kupo.
Read on for the entirety of an encouraging exchange between an enchanter and exorcist.
A Special Three-Day-Only Campaign Begins Today! (11/10/2013)
We are pleased to announce a three-day eleventh Vana'versary campaign starting today at 2:00 p.m. (GMT)!
Read on for details.
Repeat Login Campaign No. 4 Has Begun! (11/10/2013)
Gear up for another exciting month of FFXI, as our fourth Repeat Login Campaign is officially underway! Login points will be awarded to faithful stalwarts once per day just for logging in, and may be exchanged for a variety of in-game items!
Thursday, 10 October 2013, at 3:00 p.m. (GMT) to Saturday, 2 November 2013 at 2:00 p.m.
* Those logged in when the campaign commences will need to either relog or change areas to receive their points.
Read on for a list of available items and details on how to participate.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
The latest version update has made landfall! (07/10/2013)
A fistful of fresh content has arrived in Vana’diel, including: new Mog Case storage; adjustments to Monstrosity such as the addition of job abilities and an expansion of available areas; and other adjustments to magic accuracy, the beastmaster and blue mage jobs, and Mog Gardens!
Read on for a comprehensive list of changes.
Melvien's Personal Reflections: Curses from on High (03/10/2013)
My dear pioneer, you come at a most opportune moment.
Your name rings through these halls, with my master chanting it like a mantra.
There have even been hushed whispers that you have parleyed with the enigmatic leafkin queen...
But don't misconstrue this curiosity as some backhanded attempt to pry information from you. No, I have stopped you at these gates for a discussion about master Melvien.
You see, his health has been faltering of late.
He has always been the type to throw himself into his work—that much is certain—but the past fortnight, the candles in his quarters have remained lit until the moon begins to set. He has never had such difficulty finding slumber previously.
Come to think, his aberrant schedule commenced not long after the discord that swept the castle gates, when the heads of the Twelve Orders assembled for a colloquy about matters of great import.
His face a ghastly white, the master scurried home and shut himself in for hours. Now it is a chore to get him to consume even the most digestible biscuit or agreeable cup of tea as he sits at his desk consumed in thought.
What could have transpired at the castle to cause such a sudden change?
Read on to learn of the tragedy that befell the grand chancellor as witnessed by the heads of the Twelve Orders.