September Topics, 2013

The Abyssea and Atma Axtravaganza is About to Abate! (30/09/2013)

We're giving away all three Abyssea battle area expansions, along with a few key items to help with your adventures there...but the end is nigh! Hurry and procure your present before it's too late!

The Campaign ends on 11 October at 2:00 p.m.

Read on for more tantalizing tidbits about this giveaway.

Mog Bonanza Prize Distribution Period about to Come to a Close (27/09/2013)

Attention, citizens of Vana'diel! The time to claim your prizes from the Mog Bonanza that began on Tuesday, July 16 is about to come to a close.

Distribution will cease on Monday, 7 October at 8:00 a.m. (GMT)

Winning numbers may be confirmed and prizes received at any of the Bonanza Moogles located in the areas given below. Make sure you exchange your bonanza marbles before time runs out!
Port San d'Oria (I-9) / Port Bastok (L-8) / Port Windurst (F-6) / Chocobo Circuit (H-8)

* Bonanza Kupons and the respective items that they may be traded in for may continue to be exchanged after Monday, 7 October at any of the Dealer Moogles in the following areas.
Port San d'Oria (I-9) / Port Bastok (L-8) / Port Windurst (F-6) / Chocobo Circuit (H-8)

Read on for details about the Mog Bonanza

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

Rumbles of a New Version Update in the Distance (20/09/2013)

The next two version updates will march upon Vana'diel in quick succession, with one purported to sortie in early October and the other slated to lay siege in early November.

Read on for the dust-kicking details.

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server Update (20/09/2013)

Today, various adjustments and updates have been implemented on the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server.

Proceed on to peruse the test details.
Read on to find out how you can access the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server!

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

System-related Adjustments (20/09/2013)

The following thread has been added to the Updates section of the forums.

[dev1160] Item Help Text Display Expansion
[dev1161] New Storage System: Mog Case
[dev1162] Item Delivery
[dev1163] Vendor and Auction House Item Display
[dev1164] Config Additions
[dev1165] Title Screen Additions

For more information, please refer to the above link.

Furthermore, multiple issues with the new user interface have been rectified.

From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team

Monstrosity Adjustments (20/09/2013)

The following thread has been added to the Updates section of the forums.

[dev1166] Monstrosity Adjustments

For more information, please refer to the above link.

Melvien's Personal Reflections: Fruits of Labor (17/09/2013)

Oh my, are these the Adoulinian tomatoes everyone has been lauding of late? I am certain that my master appreciates your kindness, but I do not recall ordering any of them...

My apologies. I was not aware that they were meant for Castle Adoulin.

If it helps assuage your concerns in the least, this hillock has winded the best of us, and has sent me tumbling head-over-heels to the bottom more than once. Be not ashamed of not making it to the top in a single spurt, and take as much time to recuperate as you require.

For me? Why thank you. is plain to see why these tomatoes have won such voracious acclaim in so short a time. Those grown on the surrounding islands resemble the wrinkled and frail fingers of mead-flushed octogenarian spinsters, and they taste of drought and death. This one, however, is as healthy as any I have ever seen, and its flavor is simply to die for. They are truly a miracle in the making.

They were plucked fresh from the Civic Arboretum, you say? Well then, please do me the favor of congratulating Chalvava on a job well done the next time you see her. I cannot recall the last time I indulged in such a tantalizing piece of produce.

Speaking of the may not be around long enough to produce a second batch of these decadent tomatoes.

I only say so because hearing grievances from facility opponents on both sides of the colonization movement has become as much a part of my master's daily routine as getting up in the morning. A particularly vocal critic recently assailed us with such a vitriolic rhetorical bombardment that I thought my ears would bleed.

I am not sure how Sir Malecroix stemmed the tide of anger, but he assured me that the storm had passed and that I needn't worry about such enraged visitants any longer.

Read on for Minister of Finance Melvien de Malecroix's introspections regarding the call to close the Civic Arboretum.

Repeat Login Campaign No. 3 Begins Today! (10/09/2013)

Gear up for another exciting month of FFXI, as our third Repeat Login Campaign is officially underway! Login points will be awarded to faithful stalwarts once per day just for logging in, and may be exchanged for a variety of in-game items!

Campaign Period:
Tuesday, 10 September 2013, at 3:00 p.m. (GMT) to Wednesday, 2 October 2013 at 2:00 p.m.
* Those logged in when the campaign commences will need to either relog or change areas to receive their points.

Read on for more information and details on how to participate.

Muscular Monk Faces Fears Before Bitter Buffalo (05/09/2013)

In between bouts of cleaning cow pies and ridin' herd on hearty hoedowns, we merry moogles of the MHMU make it our motto to "certify the safety of ceremony supporters lock, stock, and barrel" durin' the bonanza, kupo!

After all, this festival is an exceedingly excellent way to express our appreciation to all the ardent adventurers who work to make Vana'diel varmint-free. With that in mind, how could we not crowd our caravans 'round the campfire of creativity and conjure up clever concepts to charm you congenial cowboys and cowgirls, kupo?

Therefore, we sincerely summon you to saddle up and box in those bellicose bovines for another year!

We understand you're no rodeo clown and being bucked into the boundless blue probably isn't your preferred pastime, but with our protective powers you won't perceive even piddling pats. I swear, kupo!

Fear not, for this festival is fun, frolicking foolery furled in fascinating a certain grumbling guy gleaned this year, kupo.

Read on for the story of a Hume's struggle to spur himself to sanity in the face of absolute animosity and pure pain.